Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I've done a lot of reading on Sport Psychology, both for my athletes as well as for my own athletic endeavors. And there is no doubt in my mind that the key to success for all athletes is when there is a personal desire that wants (NEEDS) to be fulfilled. It could be accomplishing a Personal Record (PR) or qualifying for State or even National level race. Whatever the carrot is for us, once we make that decision to go for it, very seldolmly do we get side tracked on our path to giving it our all to achieve the dream.

However, sometimes we can hit dry spells where we wonder why we have been doing the things that we've been doing (ie. early morning workouts, managing our nutrition, etc.) and we then decide to take some much deserved time off from the regiment. I have experienced this both as an athlete as well as a coach, and the question that I continue to battle is how to regenerate that burning desire to compete? The motivation has left the building in some respects. How can we get it back and take hold of it?

I believe that I have finally found the answer...


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