Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mt. Erie Trail Run

This morning was the 17th annual Mt Erie Trail Run (the road run has been going even longer), a run that was started by my close friend Dallas Kloke. This was my second time competing in this event, the first was in 2006 and I ran a time of 23:42, good enough to win my age group. However, as all endurance athletes come to find out the competition as you go up the age scale becomes more difficult.
After the pre race meeting and chatting with a few of the other competitors and fans it was my turn to go (race format had groups of 3 going every minute), up the mountain I went and as my elevation heightened so did my awareness of Kloke, who was the first one to take me up the trail 4 years ago in preparation of my first race. Overwhelmed with emotions and the lack of air to my lungs, I resorted to speed hiking, not uncommon during this event. Though it seemed that it was more than the usual during this run. Along the way I caught a few competitors, and was encouraged by my XC athletes as they were spread out over the course as marshalls. Needless to say, my thoughts and emotions took over a number of times remembering Dallas and trying to put my thoughts together as I would be sharing at a "Celebration of Life" ceremony later in the day.
I ended up losing track of where I was on the course and didn't start my kick quite early enough, as a result I would be 3rd place in my age group, despite over a minute PR for the race. My unofficial time was a 22:07, and in reflecting upon the day am pleased with how I finished the race.
"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!"
--Dallas Kloke

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